
IMAP, POP, SMTP Settings

Manual settings for configuring an email client with the email server. For instructions to set up your email account on mail clients (Thunderbird/Microsoft Outlook), please refer to email client set up guides.

Service Encryption Host Port
IMAP STARTTLS mail.ymoz.com 143
IMAPS SSL mail.ymoz.com 993
POP3 STARTTLS mail.ymoz.com 110
POP3S SSL mail.ymoz.com 995
SMTP STARTTLS mail.ymoz.com 587
SMTPS SSL mail.ymoz.com 465


YMOZ allows you to configure your mailbox to access your email on multiple devices with either the POP3 protocol or IMAP (internet messaging access protocol). If you are not familar with these protocols, there is a chart summarizing the differences here. If you are not sure, we recommend setting up with IMAP as this way mail remains stored on the server.
